The All-New Rancilio Silvia E V6 2020 & Pro Dual Boiler for Home Users

It’s finally arrived! The Rancilio Silvia Home Coffee Machine Range   We are very excited to announce that we are now stocking the new Rancilio Silvia home espresso machines new for 2020: the Rancilio Silvia E V6 and the Rancilo Silvia Pro Dual Boiler! These are two of the hottest home espresso machine models to […]

How we pack your orders (Recycling & Environmental Policy)

How we re-use, reduce and recycle packaging Packaging: We use recycled kraft paper and cardboard boxes for packaging most of your orders. We keep all good boxes received by suppliers and ensure they are reused where possible, and we’ll recycle all the rest of them – this hugely reduces the amount of cardboard waste in […]